We started this article with a question: for you, is evaluation a means or an end?
If you understand that the sole purpose of your assessment is to measure an employee’s performance, you may have problems with employee retention.
Traditional assessments are usually plastered and do not take into account subjective aspects, inherent to each individual. Another danger of traditional assessment models is the possibility of bias on the part of the evaluator and lack of commitment to the real numbers of those being evaluated.
Rating system as a means, what is it?
This kind of evaluation has the goal to accurately measure what was delivered and understand the causes of the result. And also, through analysis of the results, obtain insights that allow adjusting what is going below expectations and, with predictive analysis, boost what is working.
Assessments must be clear, objective, data-driven and applied based on well-defined parameters.
Assessments of competences and skills applied as a means are supported by systems that use data intelligence to define, measure and analyze the performance of employees in their functions.
We now bring another reflection: does the evaluation model applied by your company to measure skills and abilities really work?
Have you ever had a great professional on your team who left because his performance was not properly verified and valued?
How to solve the problem?
VDX People is a Silicon Valley company that applies the most modern, efficient and effective aspects of Strategic People Management to its assessment models.
One of the services on our platform is the performance and skills assessment that, in addition to evaluating your current teams, allows you to identify and define sets of knowledge, skills and competencies that can become a parameter for your next hires.
Organizations that use customizable, dynamic assessment systems with the possibility of detailing from macro to micro scenarios, which allows a broad and fast strategic vision, will be more likely to understand scenarios, visualize new business development opportunities, in addition to retaining and attracting talent , with increased productivity and innovation.
Our evaluation model has the main objective of training, including and supporting the development of employees, managers and companies in favor of high performance.
Click here and find out how VDX People can support you on this journey!